Langjökull is Iceland’s second biggest glacier, and this massive sheet of ice is just amazing to visit.  Therefore I am delighted to team up with Sleipnir’s Tours to offer my readers a discount code for 20%  off the Red Glacial Monster Truck Expedition Sign up for the Stuck in Iceland newsletter below to get the promo code. You will immediately receive the code for this tour, and many others, via email.

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Jon Heidar, Editor of Stuck in Iceland Travel Magazine

The Sleipnir truck on an Icelandic glacier
The Sleipnir truck on an Icelandic glacier

On tour, you will discover the joy of standing on a vast Icelandic glacier. The mega-truck Sleipnir will take you up to Langjökull glacier. This beast, the namesake of Odinn’s steed, has eight huge wheels and a whopping 800 horsepower engine so I dare say that the weather on the glacier is not a big factor. Man and woman at Langjökull glacier in Iceland.

Enjoying life at Langjökull glacier.So book the tour today and discover the wonder that is Langjökull glacier.